Phase 2 is finally here! We want everyone to be prepared for the guidelines that the New York State Governor has put into place to ensure that you are safe and that you keep those around you healthy while we continue to battle with COVID-19.

Thankfully, USQ Social benefits from very high ceilings, a new ventilation system and ample social distancing space which will give us all comfort.  Still, we need to ask for your cooperation as the rules put into place, although make complete sense, can make for an awkward greeting when you arrive, and we want to make you feel as welcome as possible!

To prepare for your visit, we would kindly ask you (please):

  1. Not to come to the salon unless you have an appointment already booked 

  2. Do not enter the building if you have:

    • Tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days

    • Been in close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases in the past 14 days

    • Displayed COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days

  3. Come alone - we have to limit the amount of people in the space as much as possible - if you require assistance - please contact your Stylist in advance

  4. Bring a mask - this will be required for you to wear during your appointment and please have it on when you enter the salon

  5. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive 

  6. Bring your own reading materials as sadly, the magazines will not be displayed

We cannot wait to see you at USQ Social and we are looking forward to when we can put this situation behind us.